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Infos zum Spiel
Forced ist ein Kooperationsspiel für 1-4 Spieler mit Rätseln und taktischen Elementen. Ihr findet euch als Sklaven in der härtesten Fantasy-Gladiatorenschule von allen wieder und müsst als Gladiatoren kämpfen um letztendlich die Freiheit zu gewinnen. Auf euch warten tödliche Prüfungen und riesige Kreaturen, aber Balfus, euer Betreuer des Geistes, wird euch auf eurer Reise nach Anerkennung begleiten.Features
- Gladiatoreinsatz mit 25 Arenen und 5 Oberhäuptern
- Vier einzigartige Figurtypen mit jeweils 16 erschließbaren Fähigkeiten
- Auf Fähigkeiten basiert, alle Feindesangriffe können abgewehrt werden, ihr müsst nur herausfinden wie!
- Der Geistesmentor, ein Extra-Mitglied, den die Spieler gemeinsam kontrollieren müssen um die Oberhand über den Feind zu behalten
- Survival Arena Mode (weitere Modi in Arbeit)
- Mark Combat System. Füge Feinden Markierungen durch Standardangriffe hinzu, damit sie durch besondere Angriffe von dir oder deinen Verbündeten vernichtet werden können.
Forced begann als ein Studentenprojekt an der Universität Kopenhagen. Von Anfang an als Kooperationsspiel konzipiert, verfügt das Spiel über mehrere innovative Elemente, die das Zusammenspiel zwischen den Spielern befördern und egoistische Spieler blutend auf dem Sand des Arenabodens zurücklassen.
- 1-4 player campaign, carefully balanced for the number of players
- Local and online co-op, it's easy to plugin controllers and play on one computer
- A challenging Gladiator campaign with monstrous foes and tricky puzzles
- Four Unique Character Classes, with very distinctive playstyles
- Skill focused: all enemy attacks can be evaded, it's your job to figure out how!
- The Spirit Mentor, an extra party member which players must control together to gain an upper hand over the enemy
- Survival Arena Mode (more modes coming)
- Mark Combat System. Apply marks to enemies with your basic attacks, to set them up for devastating special attacks from you or your allies.
What is the Slightly Better Edition?
Since the release of FORCED back in 2013 we’ve been continuously updating the game. In celebration of our anniversary we released another major update to the game which now makes it the Slightly Better Edition.- Survival Modes overhaul
The Survival Mode feature has received an overhaul with new maps and a reward system to make it a more integral part of the game.- There are now 4 survival maps (up from 2), 3 of them endless waves and 1 versus.
- Each of the endless Survival maps now award crystals based on the times you achieve. These crystals are added to your Campaign crystals when determining which abilities and maps you unlock.
- 4 new achievements to earn by playing the survival modes
- There are now 4 survival maps (up from 2), 3 of them endless waves and 1 versus.
- Large optimization improvements; This will also help network play to be less laggy as the host computer no longer struggles to keep up :)
- Final Boss improvements; The Final boss of the game has received some design love, FX optimization and additional bug-fixing for a greater climax to the game!
- Menu improvements; A splash screen for new players to welcome them into the world of FORCED and simplified lobby interface
- New Input system; a fully reworked input system should make our controller support even more stable by supporting additional features such as switching seamlessly between controller and keyboard even in-game!
Still a work in progress, so you may experience a few issues :) - Localization additions: We’ve added Polish as a language to the game, and have also implemented a lot of translations that were missing from previous verisons.
- Plenty of updates between the original release and the most recent one
- Network overhaul - Across multiple iterations we’ve overhauled the networking of FORCED, fixing the problems people initially had with connecting and lag. We’re still improving this, as there’s always opportunities to make it better
- Singleplayer resurrect - Since the original release we introduced a resurrection mechanic in Singleplayer to adjust the difficulty and to keep the experience closer to the co-op style of the game. This makes the game more fun in singleplayer, although we still suggest playing co-op :)
- Bug fixes galore. The obvious one, but we really want to mention that we’ve spent tons of time fixing bugs and issues that the community helped us track down - and still are!
- Network overhaul - Across multiple iterations we’ve overhauled the networking of FORCED, fixing the problems people initially had with connecting and lag. We’re still improving this, as there’s always opportunities to make it better
Finally we’ll mention that we’re always looking for feedback about issues in the game, and would like people to report anything they see on the forums or our support mail so we can keep improving it :)